Generated from LibVision.h with ROBODoc v3.2.2 on Tue Dec 05 11:08:39 2000


  1. LibVision/LibVision



 All the 'LibVision' components (#define, structures and functions) begin with VIS to avoid

 confusion with any other modules.

 Only the values in the header files may need to be changed. The values in the program source

 are based on the values in the header and should not be changed.

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 * #define values *

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 Library default informations


   #define VIS_MSB         5   : Number of most significant bits used for the 3D tables

   #define VIS_NONE        0   : No colour class 

   #define VIS_CONFLICT    255 : Colour-conflict class

   #define VIS_SAT_THRES   32  : Threshold for limit saturation

 @ RGB Values are coded on 8 bits, but for a RGB 3D space, ((2^8)^3)=16MB...

 @ VIS_MSB defines how many MSB should be used : as an exemple for VIS_MSB=5 -> ((2^5)^3)=32kB.

 @ VIS_NONE and VIS_CONFLICT define the two defaults values for the no-colour class and the colour-conflict


 @ VIS_SAT_THRES defines the default saturation threshold to define colours within the RGB space avoiding

 defining white shades as colours. 

 Defaults for the algorithm


   #define VIS_ALGO_DEPTH 1                 : One pixel around

   #define VIS_ALGO_FAST  1                 : Use fast

   #define VIS_ALGO_STEP  2                 : Every 2nd pixel

   #define VIS_ALGO_LOOP  (VIS_ALGO_STEP-1) : defined internally (in LibVision.c)

 @ These values define the way to process the image. Some function are optimised for certain parameters.

 Look the VIS_Algo structure for more informations on these values.

 Image size information


   #define VIS_IMROW imagerows    : number of rows

   #define VIS_IMCOL imagecolumns : number of columns

 @ These two values are used to avoid the ANSI C warning about variable-size variables definition.

 Maximum number of classes to be processed


   #define VIS_MAX_CLASS 10 : No more than 10 different classes

 @ This value is used to avoid the ANSI C warning about variable-size variables definition.

 It defines the maximum number of colour classes to be processed by the library.

 LCD Display informations, used by VIS_ComputeBW


   #define VIS_LCD_DISPLAY_ROW  64

   #define VIS_LCD_DISPLAY_COL  128


 @ These values are used to define the LCD display properties. The VIS_LCD_DISPLAY_SIZE defines the 1D

 memory length of a complete B/W image for the LCD display.

 Algorithm information, ONLY depending on VIS_MSB in the .h, (declared in LibVision.c)


   #define VIS_LSB      (8-VIS_MSB)  : Less significant bits

   #define VIS_VALUES   (1<<VIS_MSB) : Number of intervals

   #define VIS_SHIFT    (1<<VIS_LSB) : Shift for loops

 @ These values are used internally and are based on the VIS_MSB value. They are used to define internal

 values to deal with the RGB 3D colour space.

 Distances lookup tables : normal table, border table, angle tables


   #define VIS_ROW    0

   #define VIS_COL    1

   #define VIS_ALPHA  0

   #define VIS_BETA   1

   #define VIS_NORMAL 0

   #define VIS_BORDER 1

 @ These values are used internally to access the right part of the distance tables.

 Look the VIS_DistanceTables for more informations.

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 * typedef structures *

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 RGB space


   typedef BYTE VIS_RGBSpace[1<<VIS_MSB][1<<VIS_MSB][1<<VIS_MSB];

 @ Definition of a RGB 3D colour space type. Each dimension is depending on the number of MSB used.

 RGB -> Hue conversion table

   typedef BYTE VIS_HueTable[1<<VIS_MSB][1<<VIS_MSB][1<<VIS_MSB];

 @ Definition of a RGB->Hue 3D conversion table. Each dimension is depending on the number of MSB used.

 Median hue and automatic range structure


   typedef struct {

     int Hue;   : Median hue value

     int Range; : Range around the median value 

 } VIS_DefineHue;

 @ Used to get the 'median hue' and the 'hue range' from the function 'VIS_MedianHue'.

 Image processing struct : table -> undenoised class, index, X and Y_list denoised data


   typedef struct {

     BYTE *table;  : Binary table

     BYTE *X_list; : X positions list

     BYTE *Y_list; : Y positions list

     int  index;   : Number of elements in X_list and Y_list

   } VIS_Process;

 @ The VIS_Process structure is used internally and contains a binary picture (table) of the colour-class,

 a pixel list of the denoised binary picture (X and Y list) and the number of pixel in these lists (index).

 'index' is used to look for the limit pixels of the object in the denoised pixel lists. 

 Algorithm options struct


   typedef struct {

     BYTE depth; : denoise one dot around

     BYTE fast;  : use fast algorithm, only for depth=1

     BYTE step;  : process every dots or two dots only

     BYTE loop;  : shift for loops, modified internally loop=step-1

   } VIS_Algo;

 @ These values enable to choose between several optimised functions for image processing.

 'depth' indicates on how many pixels the "erosion" is applied.

 'fast'  indicates the use of an easier loop if the "erosion" is applied on only 1 pixel (depth==1).

 'step'  is either every pixels or every second pixels.

 'loop'  is used internally to define a shift value depending on 'step'.

 Object structure : class and limits


   typedef struct {

     BYTE class;                 : Class number of the object

     BYTE top, bot, right, left; : Coordinates of the found object

   } VIS_Object;

 @ This structure is created by the user to get back the result. If an object has been found, 'class' will

 contain the class number, i.e. VIS_NONE if no object from the current colour has been found.

 'top', 'bot', 'right' and 'left' contain the pixel limits of the found object in the image.

 Camera angles and positions offsets to calibrate


   typedef struct {

     int   alpha;  : Servo alpha offset

     int   height; : Camera height

     int   lenght; : Camera distance to the front of the robot

     float angle;  : Lens angle in radians

     float beta;   : Camera beta offset

   } VIS_CameraOffset;

 @ This structure defines the camera properties and position.

 'alpha'  gives the servo position when the camera looks straight forward,

 'beta'   gives the angle offset between the camera middle axis and the horizontal axis,

 'lenght' gives the distance offset from the camera to the robot front,

 'height' gives the camera heigth to the ground,

 'angle'  defines the camera view angle.

 @ These values are used to calibrate the ball distance to the camera and the angle positions.

 Camera offset default informations


   static const int   VIS_CAM_HEIGHT[2][5]={{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};

   static const int   VIS_CAM_LENGHT[2][5]={{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};

   static const BYTE  VIS_CAM_ALPHA[2][5]={{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};

   static const float VIS_CAM_BETA[2][5]={{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}};

   static const float VIS_CAM_ANGLE[2][5]={{0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85}, {0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 0.85}};

 @ These values are used as defaults for the camera calibration (VIS_CameraOffset).

 @ Angles informations have to be set up in radians.

 Distances lookup tables : normal table, border table, angle tables


   typedef struct {

     short Dist_dist[2][imagerows][imagecolumns];     : Direct relative distance, border or normal

     short Dist_coord[2][2][imagerows][imagecolumns]; : Relative distance in x and y, border or normal

     float Dist_angle[2][imagerows][imagecolumns];    : Alpha and beta angles

   } VIS_DistanceTables;

 @ This structure defines the distance table and is a global variable.

 'dist'  defines the direct distance between the robot and the ball,

 'coord' defines the side and depth coordinates of the ball compared to the camera,

 'angle' defines the object angle position compared to the camera.

 Distance structure


   typedef struct {

     short d_row; : depth distance

     short d_col; : side distance

     short dist;  : direct distance : dist^2=d_row^2+d_col^2

     float alpha; : sideways angle

     float beta;  : up-down angle

   } VIS_Distance;

 @ The distance structure is for the user to get the ball position using VIS_GetPosition.

 @ The distance is only valid for the ball, but the angle position can be used for any object.

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 * Global variables (defined in LibVision.c) *

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   VIS_HueTable       HueTable;       : Global hue-table conversion

   BYTE               HueTableOK=0;   : Flag if hue-table is initialised or not

   VIS_Algo           AlgoInfo;       : Global algorithm information

   BYTE               AlgoInfoOK=0;   : Flag if the algorithm informations are initialised or not

   VIS_CameraOffset   CamInfo;        : Camera setup for distance

   BYTE               CamInfoOK=0;    : Flag of the camera informations are initialised or not

   VIS_DistanceTables DistTables;     : Distance tables

   BYTE               DistTablesOK=0; : Flag if the distance tables are initialised or not

 @ These are the global variables declared in the LibVision.c program. They are the basic informations the

 library needs to work.