Structural Analysis Reference

Contour Processing Functions


Approximates Freeman chain(s) with polygonal curve

CvSeq* cvApproxChains( CvSeq* srcSeq, CvMemStorage* storage,
                       CvChainApproxMethod method=CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE,
                       double parameter=0, int minimalPerimeter=0, int recursive=0 );

Pointer to the chain that can refer to other chains.
Storage location for the resulting polylines.
Approximation method (see the description of the function cvFindContours).
Method parameter (not used now).
Approximates only those contours whose perimeters are not less than minimalPerimeter. Other chains are removed from the resulting structure.
If not 0, the function approximates all chains that access can be obtained to from srcSeq by h_next or v_next links. If 0, the single chain is approximated.

This is a stand-alone approximation routine. The function cvApproxChains works exactly in the same way as cvFindContours with the corresponding approximation flag. The function returns pointer to the first resultant contour. Other approximated contours, if any, can be accessed via v_next or h_next fields of the returned structure.


Initializes chain reader

void cvStartReadChainPoints( CvChain* chain, CvChainPtReader* reader );

chain Pointer to chain. reader Chain reader state.

The function cvStartReadChainPoints initializes a special reader (see Dynamic Data Structures for more information on sets and sequences).


Gets next chain point

CvPoint cvReadChainPoint( CvChainPtReader* reader );

Chain reader state.

The function cvReadChainPoint returns the current chain point and updates the reader position.


Approximates polygonal curve(s) with desired precision

CvSeq* cvApproxPoly( const void* srcSeq, int headerSize, CvMemStorage* storage,
                     int method, double parameter,
                     int parameter2=0 );

Sequence of array of points.
Header size of approximated curve[s].
Container for approximated contours. If it is NULL, the input sequences' storage is used.
Approximation method; only CV_POLY_APPROX_DP is supported, that corresponds to Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
Method-specific parameter; in case of CV_POLY_APPROX_DP it is a desired approximation accuracy.
If case if srcSeq is sequence it means whether the single sequence should be approximated or all sequences on the same level or below srcSeq (see cvFindContours for description of hierarchical contour structures). And if srcSeq is array (CvMat*) of points, the parameter specifies whether the curve is closed (parameter2!=0) or not (parameter2=0).

The function cvApproxPoly approximates one or more curves and returns the approximation result[s]. In case of multiple curves approximation the resultant tree will have the same structure as the input one (1:1 correspondence).


Calculates up-right bounding rectangle of point set

CvRect cvBoundingRect( CvArr* contour, int update );

Sequence or array of points.
The update flag. Here is list of possible combination of the flag values and type of contour:

The function cvBoundingRect returns the up-right bounding rectangle for 2d point set.


Calculates area of the whole contour or contour section

double cvContourArea( const CvArr* contour, CvSlice slice=CV_WHOLE_SEQ );

Contour (sequence or array of vertices).
Starting and ending points of the contour section of interest, by default area of the whole contour is calculated.

The function cvContourArea calculates area of the whole contour or contour section. In the latter case the total area bounded by the contour arc and the chord connecting the 2 selected points is calculated as shown on the picture below:

NOTE: Orientation of the contour affects the area sign, thus the function may return negative result. Use fabs() function from C runtime to get the absolute value of area.


Calculates contour perimeter or curve length

double cvArcLength( const void* curve, CvSlice slice=CV_WHOLE_SEQ, int isClosed=-1 );

Sequence or array of the curve points.
Starting and ending points of the curve, by default the whole curve length is calculated.
Indicates whether the curve is closed or not. There are 3 cases:

The function cvArcLength calculates length or curve as sum of lengths of segments between subsequent points


Compares two shapes

double cvMatchShapes( const void* A, const void* B,
                      int method, double parameter=0 );

First contour or grayscale image
Second contour or grayscale image
Method-specific parameter (is not used now).

The function cvMatchShapes compares two shapes. The 3 implemented methods all use Hu moments (see cvGetHuMoments):

I1(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(1/mAi - 1/mBi)

I2(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(mAi - mBi)

I3(A,B)=sumi=1..7abs(mAi - mBi)/abs(mAi)

hAi, hBi - Hu moments of A and B, respectively.


Creates hierarchical representation of contour

CvContourTree* cvCreateContourTree( cont CvSeq* contour, CvMemStorage* storage, double threshold );

Input contour.
Container for output tree.
Approximation accuracy.

The function cvCreateContourTree creates binary tree representation for the input contour and returns the pointer to its root. If the parameter threshold is less than or equal to 0, the function creates full binary tree representation. If the threshold is greater than 0, the function creates representation with the precision threshold: if the vertices with the interceptive area of its base line are less than threshold, the tree should not be built any further. The function returns the created tree.


Restores contour from tree

CvSeq* cvContourFromContourTree( const CvContourTree* tree, CvMemStorage* storage,
                                 CvTermCriteria criteria );

Contour tree.
Container for the reconstructed contour.
Criteria, where to stop reconstruction.

The function cvContourFromContourTree restores the contour from its binary tree representation. The parameter criteria determines the accuracy and/or the number of tree levels used for reconstruction, so it is possible to build approximated contour. The function returns reconstructed contour.


Compares two contours using their tree representations

double cvMatchContourTrees( const CvContourTree* tree1, const CvContourTree* tree2,
                            CvTreeMatchMethod method, double threshold );

First contour tree.
Second contour tree.
Similarity measure, only CV_CONTOUR_TREES_MATCH_I1 is supported.
Similarity threshold.

The function cvMatchContourTrees calculates the value of the matching measure for two contour trees. The similarity measure is calculated level by level from the binary tree roots. If at the certain level difference between contours becomes less than threshold, the reconstruction process is interrupted and the current difference is returned.

Geometry Functions


Finds bounding rectangle for two given rectangles

CvRect cvMaxRect( const CvRect* rect1, const CvRect* rect2 );

First rectangle
Second rectangle

The function cvMaxRect finds minimum area rectangle that contains both input rectangles inside:


Rotated 2D box

typedef struct CvBox2D
    CvPoint2D32f center;  /* center of the box */
    CvSize2D32f  size;    /* box width and length */
    float angle;          /* angle between the horizontal axis
                             and the first side (i.e. length) in radians */


Finds box vertices

void cvBoxPoints( CvBox2D box, CvPoint2D32f pt[4] );

Array of vertices

The function cvBoxPoints calculates vertices of the input 2d box. Here is the function code:

void cvBoxPoints( CvBox2D box, CvPoint2D32f pt[4] )
    float a = (float)cos(box.angle)*0.5f;
    float b = (float)sin(box.angle)*0.5f;

    pt[0].x = - a*box.size.height - b*box.size.width;
    pt[0].y = + b*box.size.height - a*box.size.width;
    pt[1].x = + a*box.size.height - b*box.size.width;
    pt[1].y = - b*box.size.height - a*box.size.width;
    pt[2].x = 2* - pt[0].x;
    pt[2].y = 2* - pt[0].y;
    pt[3].x = 2* - pt[1].x;
    pt[3].y = 2* - pt[1].y;


Fits ellipse to set of 2D points

CvBox2D cvFitEllipse2( const CvArr* points );

Sequence or array of points.

The function cvFitEllipse calculates ellipse that fits best (in least-squares sense) to a set of 2D points. The meaning of the returned structure fields is similar to those in cvEllipse except that size stores the full lengths of the ellipse axises, not half-lengths


Fits line to 2D or 3D point set

void  cvFitLine( const CvArr* points, CvDisType disType, double C,
                 double reps, double aeps, float* line );

Sequence or array of 2D or 3D points with 32-bit integer or floating-point coordinates.
The distance used for fitting (see the discussion).
Numerical parameter for some types of distances, if 0 then some optimal value is chosen.
reps, aeps
Sufficient accuracy for radius (distance between the coordinate origin and the line) and angle, respectively, 0.01 would be a good defaults for both. is used.
The output line parameters. In case of 2d fitting it is array of 4 floats (vx, vy, x0, y0) where (vx, vy) is a normalized vector collinear to the line and (x0, y0) is some point on the line. In case of 3D fitting it is array of 6 floats (vx, vy, vz, x0, y0, z0) where (vx, vy, vz) is a normalized vector collinear to the line and (x0, y0, z0) is some point on the line.

The function cvFitLine fits line to 2D or 3D point set by minimizing sumiρ(ri), where ri is distance between i-th point and the line and ρ(r) is a distance function, one of:

disType=CV_DIST_L2 (L2):
ρ(r)=r2/2 (the simplest and the fastest least-squares method)

disType=CV_DIST_L1 (L1):

disType=CV_DIST_L12 (L1-L2):
ρ(r)=2•[sqrt(1+r2/2) - 1]

disType=CV_DIST_FAIR (Fair):
ρ(r)=C2•[r/C - log(1 + r/C)],  C=1.3998

disType=CV_DIST_WELSCH (Welsch):
ρ(r)=C2/2•[1 - exp(-(r/C)2)],  C=2.9846

disType=CV_DIST_HUBER (Huber):
ρ(r)= r2/2,   if r < C
      C•(r-C/2),   otherwise;   C=1.345


Finds convex hull of points set

CvSeq* cvConvexHull2( const void* points, void* hullStorage=0,
                      int orientation=CV_CLOCKWISE, int returnPoints=0 );

Sequence or array of 2D points with 32-bit integer or floating-point coordinates.
The destination array (CvMat*) or memory storage (CvMemStorage*) that will store the convex hull. If it is array, it should be 1d and have the same number of elements as the input array/sequence. On output the header is modified so to truncate the array downto the hull size.
Desired orientation of convex hull: CV_CLOCKWISE or CV_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE.
If non-zero, the points themselves will be stored in the hull instead of indices if hullStorage is array, or pointers if hullStorage is memory storage.

The function cvConvexHull2 finds convex hull of 2D point set using Sklansky's algorithm. If hullStorage is memory storage, the function creates a sequence containing the hull points or pointers to them, depending on returnPoints value and returns the sequence on output.

Example. Building convex hull for a sequence or array of points

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ARRAY  0 /* switch between array/sequence method by replacing 0<=>1 */

void main( int argc, char** argv )
    IplImage* img = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 500, 500 ), 8, 3 );
    cvNamedWindow( "hull", 1 );

#if !ARRAY
        CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage();

        int i, count = rand()%100 + 1, hullcount;
        CvPoint pt0;
#if !ARRAY
        CvSeq* ptseq = cvCreateSeq( CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC|CV_32SC2, sizeof(CvContour),
                                     sizeof(CvPoint), storage );
        CvSeq* hull;

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            pt0.x = rand() % (img->width/2) + img->width/4;
            pt0.y = rand() % (img->height/2) + img->height/4;
            cvSeqPush( ptseq, &pt0 );
        hull = cvConvexHull2( ptseq, 0, CV_CLOCKWISE, 0 );
        hullcount = hull->total;
        CvPoint* points = (CvPoint*)malloc( count * sizeof(points[0]));
        int* hull = (int*)malloc( count * sizeof(hull[0]));
        CvMat pointMat = cvMat( 1, count, CV_32SC2, points );
        CvMat hullMat = cvMat( 1, count, CV_32SC1, hull );

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            pt0.x = rand() % (img->width/2) + img->width/4;
            pt0.y = rand() % (img->height/2) + img->height/4;
            points[i] = pt0;
        cvConvexHull2( &pointMat, &hullMat, CV_CLOCKWISE, 0 );
        hullcount = hullMat.cols;
        cvZero( img );
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
#if !ARRAY
            pt0 = *CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint, ptseq, i );
            pt0 = points[i];
            cvCircle( img, pt0, 2, CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), CV_FILLED );

#if !ARRAY
        pt0 = **CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint*, hull, hullcount - 1 );
        pt0 = points[hull[hullcount-1]];

        for( i = 0; i < hullcount; i++ )
#if !ARRAY
            CvPoint pt = **CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint*, hull, i );
            CvPoint pt = points[hull[i]];
            cvLine( img, pt0, pt, CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ));
            pt0 = pt;

        cvShowImage( "hull", img );

        int key = cvWaitKey(0);
        if( key == 27 ) // 'ESC'

#if !ARRAY
        cvClearMemStorage( storage );
        free( points );
        free( hull );


Tests contour convex

int cvCheckContourConvexity( const void* contour );

Tested contour (sequence or array of points).

The function cvCheckContourConvexity tests whether the input contour is convex or not. The contour must be simple, i.e. without self-intersections.


Structure describing a single contour convexity detect

typedef struct CvConvexityDefect
    CvPoint* start; /* point of the contour where the defect begins */
    CvPoint* end; /* point of the contour where the defect ends */
    CvPoint* depth_point; /* the farthest from the convex hull point within the defect */
    float depth; /* distance between the farthest point and the convex hull */
} CvConvexityDefect;

Picture. Convexity defects for hand contour.


Finds convexity defects of contour

CvSeq* cvConvexityDefects( const void* contour, const void* convexhull,
                           CvMemStorage* storage=0 );

Input contour.
Convex hull obtained using cvConvexHull2 that should contain pointers or indices to the contour points, not the hull points themselves, i.e. returnPoints parameter in cvConvexHull2 should be 0.
Container for output sequence of convexity defects. If it is NULL, contour or hull (in that order) storage is used.

The function cvConvexityDefects finds all convexity defects of the input contour and returns a sequence of the CvConvexityDefect structures.


Finds circumscribed rectangle of minimal area for given 2D point set

CvBox2D  cvMinAreaRect2( const void* points, CvMemStorage* storage=0 );

Sequence or array of points.
Optional temporary memory storage.

The function cvMinAreaRect2 finds a circumscribed rectangle of the minimal area for 2D point set by building convex hull for the set and applying rotating calipers technique to the hull.

Picture. Minimal-area bounding rectangle for contour


Finds circumscribed circle of minimal area for given 2D point set

void cvMinEnclosingCircle( const void* points, CvPoint2D32f* center, float* radius );

Sequence or array of 2D points.
Output parameter. The center of the enclosing circle.
Output parameter. The radius of the enclosing circle.

The function cvMinEnclosingCircle finds the minimal circumscribed circle for 2D point set using iterative algorithm.


Calculates pair-wise geometrical histogram for contour

void cvCalcPGH( const CvSeq* contour, CvHistogram* hist );

Input contour. Currently, only integer point coordinates are allowed.
Calculated histogram; must be two-dimensional.

The function cvCalcPGH calculates 2D pair-wise geometrical histogram (PGH), described in [Iivarinen97], for the contour. The algorithm considers every pair of the contour edges. The angle between the edges and the minimum/maximum distances are determined for every pair. To do this each of the edges in turn is taken as the base, while the function loops through all the other edges. When the base edge and any other edge are considered, the minimum and maximum distances from the points on the non-base edge and line of the base edge are selected. The angle between the edges defines the row of the histogram in which all the bins that correspond to the distance between the calculated minimum and maximum distances are incremented (that is, the histogram is transposed relatively to [Iivarninen97] definition). The histogram can be used for contour matching.

[Iivarinen97] Jukka Iivarinen, Markus Peura, Jaakko Srel, and Ari Visa. Comparison of Combined Shape Descriptors for Irregular Objects, 8th British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC'97. You may find online version at


Splits set of vectors by given number of clusters

void cvKMeans2( const CvArr* samples, int numClusters,
                CvArr* clusterIdx, CvTermCriteria termcrit );

Floating-point matrix of input samples, one row per sample.
Number of clusters to split the set by.
Output integer vector storing cluster indices for every sample.
Specifies maximum number of iterations and/or accuracy (distance the centers move by between the subsequent iterations).

The function cvKMeans2 implements k-means algorithm that finds centers of numClusters clusters and groups the input samples around the clusters. On output clusterIdx(i) contains a cluster index for sample stored in i-th rows of samples.

Example. Clustering random samples of multi-gaussian distribution with k-means

#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"

void main( int argc, char** argv )
    #define MAX_CLUSTERS 5
    static const int color_tab[MAX_CLUSTERS] =
        CV_RGB(255,0,0), CV_RGB(0,255,0), CV_RGB(100,100,255),
        CV_RGB(255,0,255), CV_RGB(255,255,0)
    IplImage* img = cvCreateImage( cvSize( 500, 500 ), 8, 3 );
    CvRandState rng;
    cvRandInit( &rng, 0, 1, -1, CV_RAND_NORMAL );

    cvNamedWindow( "clusters", 1 );

        int k, cluster_count = cvRandNext(&rng)%MAX_CLUSTERS + 1;
        int i, sample_count = cvRandNext(&rng)%1000 + 1;
        CvMat* points = cvCreateMat( sample_count, 1, CV_32FC2 );
        CvMat* clusters = cvCreateMat( sample_count, 1, CV_32SC1 );

        /* generate random sample from multigaussian distribution */
        for( k = 0; k < cluster_count; k++ )
            CvPoint center;
            CvMat point_chunk;
            center.x = cvRandNext(&rng)%img->width;
            center.y = cvRandNext(&rng)%img->height;
            cvRandSetRange( &rng, center.x, img->width/6, 0 );
            cvRandSetRange( &rng, center.y, img->height/6, 1 );
            cvGetRows( points, &point_chunk, k*sample_count/cluster_count,
                       k == cluster_count - 1 ? sample_count : (k+1)*sample_count/cluster_count );

            cvRand( &rng, &point_chunk );

        /* shuffle samples */
        for( i = 0; i < sample_count/2; i++ )
            CvPoint2D32f* pt1 = (CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl + cvRandNext(&rng)%sample_count;
            CvPoint2D32f* pt2 = (CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl + cvRandNext(&rng)%sample_count;
            CvPoint2D32f temp;
            CV_SWAP( *pt1, *pt2, temp );

        cvKMeans2( points, cluster_count, clusters,
                   cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 10, 1.0 ));

        cvZero( img );

        for( i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
            CvPoint2D32f pt = ((CvPoint2D32f*)points->data.fl)[i];
            int cluster_idx = clusters->data.i[i];
            cvCircle( img, cvPointFrom32f(pt), 2, color_tab[cluster_idx], CV_FILLED );

        cvReleaseMat( &points );
        cvReleaseMat( &clusters );

        cvShowImage( "clusters", img );

        int key = cvWaitKey(0);
        if( key == 27 ) // 'ESC'


Finds circumscribed circle of minimal area for given 2D point set

void cvMinEnclosingCircle( const void* points, CvPoint2D32f* center, float* radius );

Sequence or array of 2D points.
Output parameter. The center of the enclosing circle.
Output parameter. The radius of the enclosing circle.

The function cvMinEnclosingCircle finds the minimal circumscribed circle for 2D point set using iterative algorithm.

Planar Subdivisions


Planar subdivision

#define CV_SUBDIV2D_FIELDS()    \
    CV_GRAPH_FIELDS()           \
    int  quad_edges;            \
    int  is_geometry_valid;     \
    CvSubdiv2DEdge recent_edge; \
    CvPoint2D32f  topleft;      \
    CvPoint2D32f  bottomright;

typedef struct CvSubdiv2D

Planar subdivision is a subdivision of a plane into a set of non-overlapped regions (facets) that cover the whole plane. The above structure describes a subdivision built on 2d point set, where the points are linked together and form a planar graph, which, together with a few edges connecting exterior subdivision points (namely, convex hull points) with infinity, subdivides a plane into facets by its edges.

For every subdivision there exists dual subdivision there facets and points (subdivision vertices) swap their roles, that is, a facet is treated as a vertex (called virtual point below) of dual subdivision and the original subdivision vertices become facets. On the picture below original subdivision is marked with solid lines and dual subdivision with dot lines

OpenCV subdivides plane into triangles using Delaunay's algorithm. Subdivision is built iteratively starting from a dummy triangle that includes all the subdivision points for sure. In this case the dual subdivision is Voronoi diagram of input 2d point set. The subdivisions can be used for 3d piece-wise transformation of a plane, morphing, fast location of points on the plane, building special graphs (such as NNG,RNG) etc.


Quad-edge of planar subdivision

/* one of edges within quad-edge, lower 2 bits is index (0..3)
   and upper bits are quad-edge pointer */
typedef long CvSubdiv2DEdge;

/* quad-edge structure fields */
#define CV_QUADEDGE2D_FIELDS()     \
    int flags;                     \
    struct CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt[4]; \
    CvSubdiv2DEdge  next[4];

typedef struct CvQuadEdge2D

Quad-edge is a basic element of subdivision, it contains four edges (e, eRot and reversed e & eRot):


Point of original or dual subdivision

    int            flags;      \
    CvSubdiv2DEdge first;      \
    CvPoint2D32f   pt;


typedef struct CvSubdiv2DPoint


Returns one of edges related to given

CvSubdiv2DEdge  cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, CvNextEdgeType type );
#define cvSubdiv2DNextEdge( edge ) cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( edge, CV_NEXT_AROUND_ORG )

Subdivision edge (not a quad-edge)
Specifies, which of related edges to return, one of:

The function cvSubdiv2DGetEdge returns one the edges related to the input edge.


Returns another edge of the same quad-edge

CvSubdiv2DEdge  cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge, int rotate );

Subdivision edge (not a quad-edge)
Specifies, which of edges of the same quad-edge as the input one to return, one of:

The function cvSubdiv2DRotateEdge returns one the edges of the same quad-edge as the input edge.


Returns edge origin

CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );

Subdivision edge (not a quad-edge)

The function cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg returns the edge origin. The returned pointer may be NULL if the edge is from dual subdivision and the virtual point coordinates are not calculated yet. The virtual points can be calculated using function cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D.


Returns edge destination

CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst( CvSubdiv2DEdge edge );

Subdivision edge (not a quad-edge)

The function cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst returns the edge destination. The returned pointer may be NULL if the edge is from dual subdivision and the virtual point coordinates are not calculated yet. The virtual points can be calculated using function cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D.


Creates empty Delaunay triangulation

CvSubdiv2D* cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D( CvRect rect, CvMemStorage* storage );

Rectangle that includes all the 2d points that are to be added to subdivision.
Container for subdivision.

The function cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D creates an empty Delaunay subdivision, where 2d points can be added further using function cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert. All the points to be added must be within the specified rectangle, otherwise a runtime error will be raised.


Inserts a single point to Delaunay triangulation

CvSubdiv2DPoint*  cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f pt);

Delaunay subdivision created by function cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D.
Inserted point.

The function cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert inserts a single point to subdivision and modifies the subdivision topology appropriately. If a points with same coordinates exists already, no new points is added. The function returns pointer to the allocated point. No virtual points coordinates is calculated at this stage.


Inserts a single point to Delaunay triangulation

CvSubdiv2DPointLocation  cvSubdiv2DLocate( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f pt,
                                           CvSubdiv2DEdge *edge,
                                           CvSubdiv2DPoint** vertex=0 );

Delaunay or another subdivision.
The point to locate.
The output edge the point falls onto or right to.
Optional output vertex double pointer the input point coinsides with.

The function cvSubdiv2DLocate locates input point within subdivision. There are 5 cases:


Finds the closest subdivision vertex to given point

CvSubdiv2DPoint* cvFindNearestPoint2D( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv, CvPoint2D32f pt );

Delaunay or another subdivision.
Input point.

The function cvFindNearestPoint2D is another function that locates input point within subdivision. It finds subdivision vertex that is the closest to the input point. It is not necessarily one of vertices of the facet containing the input point, though the facet (located using cvSubdiv2DLocate) is used as a starting point. The function returns pointer to the found subdivision vertex


Calculates coordinates of Voronoi diagram cells

void cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv );

Delaunay subdivision, where all the points are added already.

The function cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D calculates coordinates of virtual points. All virtual points corresponding to some vertex of original subdivision form (when connected together) a boundary of Voronoi cell of that point.


Removes all virtual points

void cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D( CvSubdiv2D* subdiv );

Delaunay subdivision.

The function cvClearSubdivVoronoi2D removes all virtual points. It is called internally in cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D if the subdivision was modified after previous call to the function.

There are a few other lower-level functions that work with planar subdivisions, see cv.h and the sources. Demo script delaunay.c that builds Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram of random 2d point set can be found at opencv/samples/c.