
TCP/IP Application Developers Note - SC12 @CHIP-RTOS V1.10

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TCP/IP Applications

Developer Notes

The given examples may be used and modified by the application programmer.   The application programmer should know about how the socket-interface works and these examples can help with gaining that understanding.

Some of the programs are using int86x calls with the CPU registers loaded as described.   We also provide a C-Library (tcpip.c), which places C wrapper functions around the software interrupt calls.

All program examples built with C-API functions use the files tcpip.c, tcpip.h and tcpipapi.h.   The SC12 Beta version contains revised TCP/IP API calls, so you should always use the current TCP/IP API C and H files (tcpipapi.h, tcpip.c, and tcpip.h).   These files contain all available API calls.

Available examples:

  1. UDPEchoClient, udpclie.c, built with int86x calls
  2. UDPEchoServer, udpserv.c, built with int86x calls
  3. TCPEchoClient, tcpclie.c, built with int86x calls
  4. TCPEchoServer, tcpserv.c, built with int86x calls
  5. TCPEchoClient, tcpclie.c, built with C-API functions, using tcpip.c
  6. TCPEchoServer, tcpserv.c, built with C-API functions, using tcpip.c
  7. Reconfigure Ethernet interface, cfgip.c
  8. TCP/IP recv packet counting, pkt_cnt.c
  9. PPP server API test, ppps.c
  10. PPP client example, pppclie.c


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