
RTOS Error Codes - SC12 @CHIP-RTOS V1.10

    IPC@CHIP Documentation Index

@CHIP-RTOS API Error Codes

All error codes here are stated in decimal.

RTOS error codes returned by RTOS API calls in the DX-Register

  0      call successful
 -1      RTOS call failed
 -2      RTOS API function number (AH input) is not supported

RTOS specific error codes returned by RTOS API calls in the AX register

  3      task is still waiting
  2      task not waiting; wake is pending
  1      no buffer available
  0      no error
 -1      invalid taskid
 -2      If DX=-1, no free message available;
         If DX=-2, Bad API function number
 -3      no mailbox defined
 -4      mailbox full
 -5      wakened before timeout
 -6      task not waiting (after 2nd wake)
 -7      calling task not waiting
 -8      invalid message call

-12      resource not owned by you (caller)
-13      no such buffer pool (invalid ID)
-14      not enough memory
-15      memory error
-16      memory error

-17      invalid task priority
-18      no free Task Control Block
-19      no free interval timer
-20      task abort (stop, kill, delete) not allowed
-21      access error
-22      invalid semaphore ID
-23      semaphore already in use
-24      invalid semaphore value

-27      timed out
-28      no message available
-29      calling task still waiting

-30      no buffers defined
-31      memory error

-32      no free event group
-33      event group in use

-37      memory not available
-38      invalid memory block
-39      memory block not in use
-40      memory block use count overflow

-41      no such message exchange (invalid ID)
-42      no free message exchange
-43      message exchange in use
-44      invalid message mailbox size

-45      no free semaphore
-46      no such event group (invalid ID)
-47      no such timer (invalid ID)
-48      invalid timing interval
-49      invalid result status
-50      memory fill exceeds segment limit
-51      semaphore is busy
-52      invalid task trap type

End of document