
CGI Error Codes - SC12 @CHIP-RTOS V1.10

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CGI API Error Codes

All error codes listed here are defined in the header file, cgi.h.

CGI error codes returned by CGI API calls in the DX-Register

 0 = CGI_ENOERROR          -> success
-1 = CGI_ERROR             -> error, AX contains error code
-2 = CGI_NOT_SUPPORTED     -> invalid function number was in the AH-reg.

CGI specific error codes returned by CGI API calls in the AX register when DX register was non-zero (error indication):

-1 = CGI_INVALID_METHOD      -> invalid method
-2 = CGI_INVALID_NAME        -> invalid URL name
-3 = CGI_INVALID_DIR         -> invalid directory
-4 = CGI_NO_FREE_ENTRY       -> no space in CGI table
-5 = CGI_NOT_FOUND           -> entry not found

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